On his way to the first meeting of the Bicycle Advisory Board.
On his way to the first meeting of the Bicycle Advisory Board. Aaron McCoy / Getty Images

Happy anniversary of Insurrection I, and happy ongoing Insurrection II. There’s a full schedule of events today — not to investigate or prosecute anyone, hahaha no, that investigation is still plugging along — but there WILL be several hours of speeches, including some fine remarks by Rep. Jayapal, and a “conversation” with Doris Kearns Goodwin to “establish and preserve the narrative” of the first insurrection. Meanwhile, the second insurrection is proceeding nicely — all the Trump freaks who couldn’t get into the Capitol have been running for little local offices, including offices that safeguard elections, and winning. Everything’s fine here in America, don’t worry about us!

Seattle police killed a fleeing suspect yesterday. Police were called to what they claim was a home break-in, and saw a man they believed to be responsible running away from the scene. Cops describe what seems like a decision to escalate the situation by sending a police dog to attack the fleeing man; they say that as their dog was mauling him, the man stabbed and killed the dog, then struggled with a cop. Another officer arrived mid-altercation and shot and killed the man. (While he was grappling with another cop??? That doesn't sound right.) Given yesterday's other big Seattle Police Department news, how much of this story do you believe? Police — currently the sole source of information about the incident — say they’ll release body-cam footage within 72 hours.

Speaking of yesterday's news ... Yesterday it emerged that Seattle Police engaged in a coordinated disinformation campaign, spreading lies about fake threats to the community. Today we get to see which elected officials have the nerve to call for further action beyond just saying "hm that was very naughty of them, oh well, cops will be cops." So far the former mayor is out ahead of nearly everyone on City Council.

Keep an eye on HB 1727. The bill, sponsored by Reps Mia Gregerson and Debra Entenman, would shift local elections to even-numbered years — ending the state’s annoying low-turnout off-year elections.

Lots of enviro bills to monitor, too. Of interest are HB 1766 (reducing emissions from gas companies), HB 1770 (making buildings more energy-efficient), and SB 5658 (continuing last session’s work to make product packaging more recyclable).

Is your landlord Equity Residential? The mega-landlord has reportedly shut down a resident communication portal in LA to stop tenants from organizing. Now might be a good time to a) screenshot any important communications you have in whatever portal you use before they delete it; and b) talk to your neighbors about organizing your own communication system. Equity’s properties in Seattle include The Pearl Apartments in Capitol Hill, Chloe on Union, Chloe on Madison, the Packard Building, Rianna Apartments, The Heights, Saxton, Three20, Seventh and James, Venn at Main, Uwajimaya Village, Alcyone, Cascade, Harbor Steps, Helios, Mark on 8th, Moda, Centennial Tower, 2300 Elliott, Olympus, and many others.

Reports of the Guild 45’s death are greatly exaggerated. Preservationists clutched their pearls this week at the sight of crews dismantling the damaged marquee on the front of an old theater in Wallingford. Don’t worry, they’re just taking down the damaged section (it was hit by a vehicle a while back), the building’s not going anywhere yet. Confusingly, the theater is owned by a company called Landmark, but the city’s Landmarks Preservation Board considered it and then denied it landmark status several years ago. (The owner DOES plan to demolish the neighboring Guild 45 II building, which was built in the ‘80s.) For now, neighboring Octopus Bar is holding onto the salvageable neon.

What would you like to ask Marko Liias? I’ll be interviewing the incoming Chair of the Washington Transportation Commission on Friday. Let me know if you have any burning questions. (YES, I’m already planning to ask about lidding I-5, obviously.)

You may continue bothering Alex Pedersen about your transportation issues. Pedersen held onto Chair of the Transportation and Public Utilities Committees. This is going to be a busy year for transpo issues, so get your huffy-letter-writing-pens ready.

Bike/ped advisory boards are rolling up their sleeves. Here’s a play-by-play of last night’s meeting, and a sneak peek at sustainable streets projects (hopefully) coming this year.

There’s life on Mars, just not right now. Life on Mars is the latest Seattle venue to have to temporarily close up shop because too many of its workers have COVID to fully staff the joint. See you soon.

At this rate Sound Transit will be barricading whole stations within a year. We love trains, but we do not love being unable to access them.

Who are you rooting for on this season of Drag Race and what are your top five reasons for it being Bosco? Here’s a sneak peek at her entrance look and her confessional look, both of which appear to be variations on “devil that just materialized on the shoulder of Lucille Ball.”