You're telling me these guys have a Trump 2020 flag in their break room next to a tombstone for a Black person they killed? Guess the only thing to do is give them more money for training. RS





I look forward to SPD investigating themselves and finding no wrongdoing


@1. Yes. This is what happens to good cops:


I for one, would like to remind you that many of the uncharged unindicted people at the Jan 6 attempted Capitol Insurrection were actually members of the SPD, KCSO, PCSO, SCSO, and other police.

Even though we have detailed video and accounts of their actions.

Just saying.


@7 Sure, sure, it's the flag that's the problem, not the SPD employee who put it up, nor the SPD employees who didn't take it down.


I for one would like to remind you that none of the insurrectionists involved in the Capital Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) during the BLM riots were charged or indicted who were anarchists and members of ANTIFA.


But if it was a Biden/Harris 2020 flag the tombstone would be the only scandal.


No, raindrop, that's incorrect.


@5 Trump's1/6 rhetoric got cops killed. I don't recall BLM protestors getting any cops killed here.

Trump doesn't support police. If police believe that, then they are horrible, unintelligent judges of character, which are unfortunate traits for a cop to have.



but if
needs a good
Beatdown then
WHO ya gonna Call?

also the trumpfster's
call for Zero Vaccinations
and Mask Boycotts no doubt
killed Many not to mention innocent
Bystanders & those in the Po-po's Custody

science-denying Reich wing
a Dangerous Threat to
our country's very

way too Bad
some of them're so
fucking Rich & therefore
able to Control the Narrative.

& rupert
'Uncle Snoopy'
fucking murdoch.

we Need
a Maximum
fucking Wage.


@14 -- @Brent


No need for a full report Hannah on "Candidate Survivor", that vid is quite sufficient.

@12, indeed but no one would have raised an eyebrow.


All Cops Are Proud Boys (or Girls).


No one here in LA is happy about the Van Houten parole. I know many of us did some pretty stupid, reckless, regretful things in our youth, but this is a woman who participated in the stabbing (41 times) of Rosemary LaBianca. Van Houten supposedly said that the first few stabs were sort of odd, but then it became kind of fun. This while Ms. LaBianca was pleading for her life.

Some acts should remain unforgivable. Van Houten will be on parole and will have to live in a half-way house for a year. My advice to her, she’s 73, is stay indoors as much as possible and don’t go out on errands alone. There are many, many people who wanted her to never see light outside a prison ever again.

Also, this marks a sea change, I think, is the parole review board’s attitude. Remember when they wouldn’t grant Susan Atkins compassion leave back in 2005 even when she was terminally ill with brain cancer and had had a leg amputated? They said no. And they said no immediately.


@18: Point well taken, thank you.


@16 It's possible that if a Biden/Harris flag was up in an SPD break room, the tombstone would be the only thing that /this particular complainant/ would highlight. The notion that if a Biden/Harris flag was up in an SPD break room, there would have been no scandal at all is incorrect. Someone would have complained, would have leaked pictures, would have torn it down long before. It would have been all over Fox and KOMO for weeks.


I have no sympathy for the armed robber; he robbed innocent people at gunpoint, putting them in fear of their lives and inflicted long-lasting emotional trauma on them. He also attempted to murder cops, unlike the annoying way TS chooses to word it. (they were simply injured as a result of the shootout with the poor victim; no, one was critically wounded after being shot in the face by the dirtbag and another took a round to her vest, and another to the hand.) So, fuck him.

That said, keeping a trophy in the break room is inexcusable. I know cops; they're actually what I know best. They may indeed have found it outside, but they intentionally kept it as a trophy. That's simply wrong.

As to the flag, that is also wrong. Our department went to court (and won) to prevent officers wearing even visible crosses, FFS...and that's in the Bible Belt. Displays of political affiliation were an absolute no-no. We had to project a "neutral image" at all times.

I'd b e shocked if Seattle's Code of Conduct/SOP/General Orders doesn't have similarly worded prohibitions against political displays, and probably "trophies." Who knows, though? I'm often surprised by what Seattle PD officers seem to get away with.

Had that been Dallas, a supervisor would have removed both of those items as soon as he/she became aware of /saw them. I doubt they would have lasted even an hour or two. Then they would try to ID the officer(s) who put them up for "corrective action." Now, we had supervisors that would shirk that duty, but not most, and each shift has at least dozen or so working.


@5 - BLM making reform less likely is simply a mistaken notion. They've already triggered reform in most places. Body cams were being slowly adopted (expensive) before BLM. Pressure from BLM and their supporters caused departments to scramble and get all cops cammed up much faster and over a much broader range of agencies than would have happened without that pressure.

The move by so many departments to have outside agencies investigate their officer-involved shootings is also thanks to pressure from BLM and their supporters. I can tell you from a lot of first-hand experience that public pressure does often work to change policy. Those are just a couple obvious examples; there a lot of others. It may sour officer outlook, but they have to comply with new policies. If they don't, then they'll be canned...after the 482nd time they violate it.


Our Dear Raindrop certainly knows his catechism. After all, the first rule of Conservatism is to ALWAYS be the victim. So yes, he would whine about a completely hypothetical instance.

As far as cops go, my sister-in-law goes to a nut job church down in Puyallup that has a lot of cops who go there. The cops recently talked them into hiring them as security because the pastor was "threatened" by ANTIFA. They also give legislative updates about local and state laws and got her worked up about how the state was going to force teenagers into becoming trans.

Cops are almost as dumb as criminals.


present co.


@26 -- great comment
thanks for Debunking
st2's counternarrative

Protests WORK
which's why
st2 says O-


@27: Oh really? That's interesting. Given that the root of the word is "conserve", which pairs well with being "self sufficient" and "to be not reliant on the state" in classic conservative philosophy - that seems off base to me.

But maybe I'm overlooking something, I want to be courteous and give you the benefit of the doubt you deserve. Can you provide a link to where you read that? Or the name of the author or philosopher? Or at least provide more context?


Politician flag and tombstone somewhat distasteful, but perhaps amidst our tears about The Black Man Who Was KILLED By Police (Racists?!), we could mention that it occured as the late Mr. Butts was shooting multiple people.


In fact, it says the "exchange of bullets during the pursuit injured three officers" - actually using that kind of legal protection language police public relations do, in this case to decieve and obfuscate in the OTHER direction! McCall should consider a career in law enforcement!


Raindrop dear, I didn't read that anywhere. It's just my observation. You people are all a bunch of whiners.

But wait! There's more.....


1) Always be a victim. When you're a victim, you don't have to take responsibility for any of your actions. Everything is always somebody's else's fault, and you have ample opportunity to engage in self-pity and self-righteous anger.

2) Project your perversions and sick desires onto others to deflect from your thoughts and actions.

3) When in doubt, call up good old "What about"

4) Constantly evoke a nation that never existed.

5) Cling to your guns and your religion (See Rule #1)

6) Act on your emotions, not on facts.


@33: Wow, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, Harry and Meghan, immediately come to mind for #1!

I assume that was unintentional.


Decent people don't care about the British Royals, Raindrop dear. Save that for your Franklin Mint subreddit


@37: Are you saying that political philosophies are always parallel with the actions of the politicians who espouse them? Donald was (is still) a New York lib before he decided to use the Republican party for a presidential effort that he hoped would only be a publicity stunt.

The MAGA party isn't a conservative party at all. Bill Kristol, Mitt Romney, Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, and others you could list identify as conservative but are hardly MAGA? Right?

If you like being precise, which I know you do, you should acknowledge this nuance.

@33 Con'd:

2: That sounds like Pat Robertson or Jerry Falwell: "Those perverts!"

3: Yes, attacking priceless works of art and sculpture is epic whaboutism to pair with PETA, climate change, etc.

4: Never thought nostalgia was a partisan thing.

5: Shouldn't people be able to cling to whatever they want? What is it to you? It's none of your business.

6: A good reminder for everyone.


the Manson Fambly
Was rather Troubled but
I much Prefer Tarantino's re-
imagining: Once Upon a Time
in Hollywood. Brad Pitt on Acid?

what could go Wrong?


Dear, silly Raindrop. So now trump is a "New York Lib"? That's Rule #1 right there. The poor GOP was taken advantage of by that awful New York Lib!!!!

Trump is no liberal. Libertine maybe, but at his base he is a Sociopath that Conservatives fell for hook, line, and sinker, because Conservatives are either sociopaths or rubes (and sometimes both).

Rule 2: Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell (Eternal pain grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual shit rain down upon them. ) were both prominent conservatives who made a living on projection. You can't shirk that responsibility. MTG and Lauren Boebert, the trump family, Gaetz, etc are always projecting their evil desires and motives onto others in order to appeal to Conservatives.

Rule 3: Whataboutism in action. Well done, Raindrop. You were born for this!

Rule 4: Organic nostalgia (remembering a favorite pet or something) is nostalgia. The idea that we need to "Make America Great Again" is a focus-group driven slogan that posits that there was a previous era in which the USA was "great" and that we have lost that. It's built on a century of schlocky westerns, MGM Musicals, and "Gone With The Wind" that most conservatives regard as actual history.

Rule 5: You're right, people can "cling" to whatever nonsense they want to. But Conservative want us all to cling only to what they cling to - Guns and Religion.

Rule 6: The entire conservative movement is built on being afraid and angry. Just tune in to Fox News, OANN, or any other Conservative media outlet. That plays well to many old people, who are dreading death and regretting life choices, but it's not a viable message in the long run.

Finally, "Bill Kristol, Mitt Romney, Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, and others" are people without a party. Essentially expelled from the GOP, canceled by their own people. And I have no tears for them, because they helped build the monster than turned on them.

The first step to recovery is acknowledging that you have a problem, Raindrop dear. I urge you to take that step. Let go and let God. Two pairs of footsteps, then only one, and all that.


@40: Speaking of "Gone with the Wind", I remember my first impression of the movie as a child was the horrors of slavery. What got to me then, as it still does now, was the scene of the young slave girls having to fan Scarlett and the other young white ladies as they napped at Twelve Oakes. What Margaret Mitchell wrote, and what David Selznick produced was really a progressive statement in 1939.

No, it's not actual history but Hollywood uses actual history for dramatization purposes. America is great. Only the left clings to the dogma to never allow greatness to be recognized.

BTW - Twelve Oakes is now a B&B in GA!


The novel "Gone With The Wind" is a lot more nuanced, especially when it comes to the ethics of slavery and the futility of the war, but it's still a bunch of pro-confederacy drivel, and the movie is a cinematically gorgeous version of "Birth Of A Nation"

Twelve Oaks was a fictional location that was burned to the ground in both the novel and the movie.

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