Queer May 15, 2024 at 9:00 am

State Law Already Protects Them, but Federal Protections Would Be Cool

Tons of confusion still swirls around protections for trans athletes in member-organizations and pay-to-pay leagues. Some federal guidance sure would be helpful! Anthony Keo / GETTY



No way Biden touches this hot button issue anytime soon.
Like he’s not having enough trouble with Gaza/Palestine/Israel.
In a normal election year the $1 trillion infrastructure bill, plus the (proposed) conservative border bill would have been enough to get him reelected. But instead, it seems we want Steve Bannon (or someone equally slimy) to run domestic policy? God help us!


I was waylayed by a general malaise awhile back (calm down, it was nothing serious) and I was both shocked and appalled to see how much advertising the Alliance Defending Freedom (a fascist front group) was putting on the cable channels that have programming for the elderly and homebound (frndly TV, etc). They are asking for donations to stop the "threat" to women's sports represented by trans athletes.

As I've said before, the idea that a man would transition to a woman just to gain a competitive advantage in sports is laughable at best, and an idea that only a conservative would embrace.


Ben Shapiro made a fictional movie about a group of men joining a women’s basketball league that was originally intended to be a documentary, only it wasn’t possible without the men going on T-blockers and HRT, which they refused to do, because, you know, they didn’t want to actually change their gender. Their whole point is to ridicule people who do.

The argument that men are going through the hassle of changing their biology to dominate women’s athletics is patently absurd, and there is no evidence that trans women are taking over women’s sports. The irony of restricting trans athletes to protect ciswomen is that these discriminatory rules are more likely to impact ciswomen who are not gender-conforming, because they vastly outnumber trans athletes.


Exactly, barth dear. And when you add in the fact that even the top women pro athletes are paid less then the most mediocre male pro athletes, it gets even more ridiculous.

If you look at the trans community, it probably generally aligns with the larger community in terms of interest in athletics, and athletic prowess. Only a certain subset are interested in sports to begin with, and of that group, a very few actually make it to the pro, or even college, level. It's just a way to pick on the "others" among us to distract from real issues like income inequality and money in politics.


Unless you’re a trans athlete I don’t see why anyone else’s personal experience is any of your business, but all of this catastrophizing is really unnecessary, especially if you understand that no one is transitioning to dominate athletics.

Following on Catalina’s point, for most people sports are just a fun way to get some exercise and bond with others, but to hear it from conservatives you would think we were talking about matters of life or death. Outside of professional athletics, there is almost nothing at stake short of a trophy, and maybe a gift certificate or something.

Most athletes are not in it to bask in the glory of winning because most athletes don’t win anything at all, and I don’t see why you would assume trans athletes are different in that regard. It seems to be an extension of the conservative stereotype that LGBT people are part of a conspiracy to undermine society, where sinister motives are projected onto everything they do. If you start with the premise that trans people are no different than anyone else you won’t end up believing such foolish things about their motives.


Yes I do think those claims are unfounded. I also understand that we’re mostly talking about people’s hobbies and exercise habits so I fail to see why it matters either way if they have some physical advantage, anymore than someone who is 6’5 has an advantage at pickup basketball. Lots of people have athletic advantages that are purely an accident of birth and no one calls that unfair.

Tell you what, why don’t you go on T-blockers and estrogen for a year or 2 and let us know how that works out for you biologically. If you think you will retain all the features and athletic advantages of your assigned-male-at-birth body this should be no big deal for you. Or perhaps you will have the same realization as the Daily Wire crew that fucking with your endocrinology will have physiological consequences that are unappealing to a cisgender person. Either way please let me know what you decide.


I think all of the concern around trans athletes is because they dare to exist, and some probably also see it as an opportunity for a lucrative career in conservative podcast activism. It’s really hot to hate trans people in conservative media today.


Don't be too hard on Raindrop. After all, he once saw the previews for Juwanna Mann.


I’m telling you exactly what I think. Feel free to take it or leave it.

I can’t help but notice you aren’t making calls for nuance from people who think transfem athletes retain an eternal athletic advantage no matter how long they’ve been medically altering their body chemistry. I also see a similar lack of concern for nuance in your comments about the war in Gaza, so I find your claim to be seeking a productive and educational discussion highly suspect.


@9- you are ignoring the issue of scholarships. Many women are able to attend college on athletic scholarships, which are largely awarded based on high school athletic performance. Given that many trans women in or just graduating from HS have not done years of hormone therapy (if anyone has the stats I’d love to see them), and that the scholarship question is not really relevant to those for whom athletics is a hobby or an “exercise habit”, I can see how a fairness issue could arise.

I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t have numbers as to how many cis women might lose out on a scholarship to trans women but I don’t think you can dismiss the possibility out of hand.

This is about the ONLY area in which I can see someone’s gender identity being anyone else’s business but I believe that at least some of the concerns raised are genuine.

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