Elections 2023 Nov 9, 2023 at 4:31 pm

Dan Strauss Leapfrogs Pete Manning, but That's Pretty Much It

Things are looking up for Strauss in District 6, which covers Ballard, Fremont, and part of Magnolia. COURTESY OF THE CAMPAIGN



Uh the schools are a mess, but Ok!


Tammy Morales is now only behind by 634 votes. I think it's more likely than not she pulls ahead. It'll be close, though.


Is it Saturday?


Then stop worrying.


The Strangers candidates seem to leave a mess when they finish. The city is awful and it sounds like the school system is now as well. But the Stranger won there.


The odious Dan Strauss.


Fingers crossed for Morales. Have given up on Hudson (though Hollingsworth seems easily the most benign of the ST endorsees, so that one doesn't bother me too much).


Fingers duly crossed for Morales. Have given up on Hudson (though Hollingsworth seems easily the most benign of the ST endorsees, so that one doesn't bother me too much).


@2 it's going to come down to turnout. D2 is the lowest of the districts so far with only 30.25% voting (the others are closer to 35%). They also pacing behind. The other districts turnout increased 10 pts or more today but D2 only went up 8.5%. For Morales to come back she needs turn out to be above 40% and garner 55% of those votes (which is very probable). If D2 comes in under 40% though which based on the trends seems likely she would probably lose. She better hope the KC elections is sitting on a hidden trove of votes from D2. The other races are pretty much over at this point. Davis would need to collect 70% of the remaining votes to win which won't happen.

On a side note, the real trend of this cycle that no one has mentioned is voter apathy. The winners of this election will probably be elected based on the votes of 25% or less of the district. Given the issues Seattle is facing that is a real statement that a lot of people have absolutely no faith that any of the candidates will do much to improve their quality of life.


It would be annoying if Morales survived. As the sole remaining member of the hardcore lefty ideologues, she won’t have anywhere near as much ability to damage Seattle as she has until now, but Woo represents such an obvious improvement that missing out on getting her would be almost painful.


@9 Show your work. Davis needs about 57% of the remaining vote to win. Not over.


@9 The reality is that the Leftist majority is happy are fine with our current leaders. For those of us in Dan Strauss' district, we wish he was more like Kshama!


@13 The far left are the folks most likely to wait until election day to vote.


OK, Tacoma tenants. I'm sure this new set of laws will be every bit as beneficial to low-income renters as the Sawant laws have been here. Really, losing several thousand units has been no big deal here. There is no housing shortage in Tacoma, right?

Enjoy the coming requirement for a 700 credit score and a higher income to rent an apartment.

And Greenwood Bob, I'm in Strauss' district and I have never wished he was ineffective, strident, self-aggrandizing, or ignorant of market principles. I don't really GAF if he wears a scarf everywhere.


@13 Assuming a 44.6% turnout as TS stated in the article that would mean D4 cast 27,028 votes this cycle (there are 60,600 registered voters in D4). So far 23,612 votes have been counted which would leave 3416 votes out there. Davis is currently down 1408 votes so he'll need to have a differential of 1409 to win. So the split of those 3416 votes would have to be Davis 2413 and Rivera 1003. 2413/3416 is 70.6% of those votes.

fwiw I think D4 will prob come in a little above 44.6% as they have had the highest turnout thus far (they are currently at 39%) . I think the'll probably finish around 51% but even in that scenario he needs 59% of the vote and he hasn't broken 50% on a drop yet.


@17 Turnout in 2019 was 55.34% in D4. And as of the Day Three drop in 2019, 38.74% of the vote had been counted, so this year's count so far (38.96%) is tracking with that one. No reason to not expect the same turnout this year.


@18 I'm just going off TS reporting. The article says 44.6%. If turnout hits 55% as you think then he does need 57% however we are not tracking to that level this year so I think that is optimistic. Davis didn't crack 50% in yesterday's drop and Morales was at 54% so I also don't see him getting up to the 57% range. The next drop should be pretty definitive but I think we have to wait until Monday due to the holiday.


It’s ‘Hanning’ not ‘Manning’. Is that a lame attempt at a bro joke or just sloppy editing. It’s The Stranger so can’t be sure.


@19: Davis got 51.5% in yesterday's drop. There will be another drop today, despite the holiday.


Tacoma renters did not win, they lost. With passage of these measures that increase the cost of business for landlords, rents will increase even further, requirements to rent will tighten, and mom and pop landlords will get out of the business. If you think your local grocery store's prices are too high, do you think increasing the grocery store's costs will lower prices? Makes no sense. Rent is simply supply and demand. We have high rental prices because the Tacoma (and Seattle and the whole area) do not allow allow enough housing to be built. Increase the supply, prices go down. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-11-06/renters-get-a-bit-of-relief-from-surge-in-apartment-construction?leadSource=uverify%20wall&embedded-checkout=true#xj4y7vzkg



First of all, either The Stranger didn't know that Strauss was running against Pete Hanning- or you don't check your spelling; neither is okay.

The Stranger boasts school board endorsements. If you haven't noticed, the district is sinking under the leadership of Liza Rankin. You probably haven't even noticed that Rankin killed Finance Committee meetings in the midst of a multi year fiscal crisis.

The Stranger would be smart to stay out of the Seattle School Board races because, frankly, you aren't adequately informed. Second, should you decide to puff your chests out and claim victory for school board candidates- you should also be willing to take the blame.



Looks like Davis got 61% of the latest drop. Assuming the same turnout as 2019, he will win.


@25 I don't think it's going to reach 2019 levels. D4 is only at 46.4% now. That being said Davis needs turnout to get to 50% with the same split and he'll pull ahead. It's really just a question of how much is left out there right now.

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