Elections 2023 Nov 1, 2023 at 3:12 pm

Civility Politics Are the ONLY Politics in Seattle

The battle in leafy Seattle. HK



Ron Davis is horrible, vote for Maritza Rivera.


As I said in the other one, The Stranger appears to no longer afford the best of the up-and-coming future journalists of the left. This is another weak sauce blogger post that won;t exactly set the journalism world afire in a resume portfolio.


Someday the Stranger will hear of a place called "Wallingford."


But have either of them ever used gas leaf blowers? Seriously the guy in the park summed up this article the best.


Yeah, I’m pretty turned off by Davis’ policy platform slide and invoking MAGA allegiances during the course of the campaign. When you’re thin on public service and formal votes, this stuff matters. Wish I was eligible to vote in a district with some longer term community candidates! This article is a vehicle to keep Dist 4 on the radar, but no neighbors of mine are giving it much thought TBH.

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