

Nope nope nope. These ineffectual nob heads have lost my support.


Really appreciate this Cheat Sheet as always! One plug for the next time --- can you expand your picks for Bellevue and/or the rest of the King County area? I think your point of view on elected officials in those areas would be equally welcome -- and needed! THANK YOU!


The historic city council recommendations from The Stanger are absolutely rotting our city from the inside out. You would think San Francisco would be a cautionary tale. Open drug use, high crime, homeless squatters everywhere. Time to clean this city up starting with candidates that align themselves with Ann Davison and Bruce Harrell. Ever talked to a reformed homeless person on why they cleaned up and got straight? "it's because it was hard to be homeless".. the sweeps, the arrests, the constant grind. The current administration has allowed drug addled communities of grifters to set up families of codependency stealing and dealing. Oh, and those property taxes to house the homeless those mean rent increases for those that are not homeless. Let's get out of the San Franciscoesque death spiral and clean this mess up.


Your slate is problematic! If the Progressives didn't get anything fixed in six + years then how is more of the same going to work for the next three years? It's time for a change at City Council and more of the same is not the solution.


Sorry TSECB, I no longer follow your recommendations. The progressive experiment ends this year. Let's go back to being a moderate Democrat-led city where SPD is funded and the POC middle class in this city aren't villainized by the progressive and far-left and basically told what they think is good for us.

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