Elections 2023 Aug 14, 2023 at 4:58 pm

Even the Ones with “Non-Trivial Policy Differences”

Maren Costa may have just won her election. Courtesy of the Campaign



"he worries Saka will be beholden to the corporate lobbyists and Trumpers who are currently trying to buy his seat."

There are no Trumpers in Seattle much less some secret cabal scheming to pack the city council


but all the Corporate
Dems Money
can Buy.

'we Hate

pass the


Be sure to click the "supports" link after the rather deceptive "he claimed" line, because it does show that Costa did, in fact, suppport defunding the police by 50%. I'm sorry Tavel felt we were in danger from "Trumpers" for some reason, as if they are ever likely to become a force in Seattle, and that Brown was fine with having her name on the letter but not signature (?) - basically this gang of sociopaths does not make me particularly confident in the goofy progressive they picked. I don't really care that Saka was "handpicked" by Harrell, as Harrell was elected vaguely because he seemed like he might do what Seattleites by and large want, as opposed to whatever position is currently most popular with college students (the "progressive" stance), and I'd have to hope his pick would be in the same vein, although I'm not too hopeful given the "equity" and "lived experience" talk from Saka.


@2 While it is impossible for even a moderate Republican to win in Seattle, much less a Fascist who supports Trump, Seattle has a significant number of racists, Nazis, and other traitors who still support Trump after his failed coup. That scum always supports the Establishment Dem who is owned by the landlords and Chamber of commerce.


maybe but
the Number
of Corporate/
'Dems' ISN't st2.


@5: ā€œWhile it is impossible for even a moderate Republican to win in Seattleā€¦ā€

City Attorney Ann Davison says hello.


@5 Bob you may want to take a break from the reefer. You think we have Nazi's and traitors who support Trump living in Seattle but they vote for Democrats? That's tin foil hat level stuff there and something I would expect from @7 or Comte. Seattle has liberal Democrats and Progressive Socialists for politicians. While I'm sure there are a few conservatives around they are hardly what you describe and as @6 mentioned they are statistically insignificant.



Poor poor pitiful MAGAts.

No fixed election for you!


@9: Bob disagrees with
Nazis and

Moderate Democrats

If you disagree with Bob
Then youā€™re a Nazi Traitor Too!



oh lookit ol' Tentsy!

back to Mocking
so Soon?

@9 -- they're called
'Corporatists' tho
some may in-
deed be


if they're That
fucking Sensitive
then they Deserve
Sawant. oh & trumpf
too? I guess I'd better
be Quiet. thanks for the


"...he worries Saka will be beholden to the corporate lobbyists and Trumpers who are currently trying to buy his seat." Ain't no Trumpers in District 1 Honey-pie. You might try venturing out of your Capitol Hill redoubt every now and then to get a sense of the city you live in.


@15: '...he worries Saka will be
beholden to the corporate lobbyists
and Trumpers who are currently trying to buy his seat.'

Ain't no Trumpers in District 1 Honey-pie."

of their Concern.

Big Money
OWNS this Place
it's burning up and
the Fascists're bustin'
down all the Doors. but
don't Worry -- we're all 'Dems'!


Interesting. Not many competitive races left. Incumbents should win all their races. Costa and Davis should win easily. This leaves only District 3 and 5. In District 3, it is surprising that Hollingsworth didn't do better, given name recognition, and the various endorsements. Yet it is basically a toss-up, and many of the other candidates will probably endorse Hudson (who is to the left of Hollingsworth). I think Hudson will win that race going away.

District 5 seems like the only nail biter. Moore ended up with a pretty big lead over ObeySumner. Neither candidate had a lot of votes. In third place was Jenks, who aligns more with ObeySumner (in my opinion). Simmons (in fourth) is the opposite. Boegart has already endorsed Moore. If they break that way, it is basically a dead-heat, with neither candidate gaining a majority. Reed and Williamson voters would put ObeySumner over the top. I think it comes down to how many Jenks voters vote for Reed or Moore.


@4: Watching a group of candidates who were rejected by voters then try to tell those very same voters which OTHER candidate to vote for ā€” yes, that really is pretty rich.

The Stranger then increases the humor value, by suggesting other failed candidates might finally get the voters to listen to them this time too.

At least the Stranger has, at last, admitted that defund was a disaster. (Not by saying so, of course, but by trying to limit the damage which supporting defund might self-inflict upon candidates the Stranger prefers.)

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