Comedy Feb 29, 2024 at 4:35 pm

Club Owners Canceled Four Shows, Now They're Facing Constant Harassment

Dane Hesseldahl (left) and Jes Anderson opened Capitol Hill Comedy/Bar last spring. PHOTOS COURTESY OF CAPITOL HILL COMEDY/BAR; GRAPHIC BY ANTHONY KEO



Is it just me or did the left used to have a lock on comedy? I donā€™t remember any right-leaning comedians growing up. The world sure is changing.


@1 I don't know when you were growing up, but what about Andrew Dice Clay? He was the pioneer of a comedy structured around sneering at liberal pieties. Like John the Baptist or something.

And of course, go back farther and there was noted Republican and Reagan pal Bob Hope. I think the only difference between today and the past in this respect is that the markets aren't differentiated in the fine-grained way they are today. Me, I'd chalk that up to the complete penetration of commercial logic into every aspect of contemporary society.


" but as an openly progressive ā€œsafe spaceā€ in Seattleā€™s gay neighborhood."

We can handle comedy, even if it's right-wing comedy. No need to protect us. We are not FabergƩ eggs.


Not only are Republicans horrible people, they don't understand what censorship it, and their "comedy" punches down.

As for the anti-Seattle sentiments, in my experience it's usually bitter old people who haven't been to Seattle since 1970, and could never afford to visit, let alone live here. Or bible-addled young people from dying small towns, where it's either Jesus or Meth.


No comedy in the comedy club! Unless the comic agrees with everything I already believe and only makes fun of my enemies and never me. That's what comedy is all about.


@4: "and their "comedy" punches down."

That's what makes it funny.


Luis Gomez isn't a "right wing" comedian so that cancellation is dumb, imo. But Metzger is obviously a right wing hack and low-bar piece of shit. Hope someone socks it to that big mouth lard fuck.


@1 I had Eddie Murphyā€™s first two comedy albums (on cassette!). Iā€™m pretty sure gays, Asians and mentally challenged folks were fair game back then. Stuff that wouldnā€™t fly in many spaces today, but most of us didnā€™t notice in 1982.


God the right victim complex is growing so old

Also the right wing media sure loves blowing the pettiest shit up into scandals. I guess simping for billionaires is a hard sell so no wonder they want to talk about on fairness in high school field hockey, or purple haired seattle lefties being mean to comedians, or whatever the manufactured outrage of the week is


if Only
the Knuckle-
draggers could Reach
to Your level - which'd be
an Herculean Stretch - perhaps
then even You might feel Differently


conservatives need to make up their mind if they believe private businesses should be allowed to decide whom to serve


The thing that makes me most uncomfortable is the photo of the chairs.


These guys have been exposed on huge platforms for decades - mostly by having friends who were more famous - and yet they're still D-list. Kurt Metzger's IMDB page since Amy Schumer stopped carrying him is...yikes. Anyway, I'm off to go place my 10-volume homoerotic epic novel on the shelves of my local Christian book store because freeze peach!!


@4 and @10: Nobody should be sacred in comedy. Larry David knows that, Dave Chappell knows that, Don Rickles knew that, Lenny Bruce knew that, etc.


was metzger's bit on trans-ableism part of the objection? or just that he's not really that funny?


@14 I notice you left off Carlin. Interesting. Anyway, nobody is saying that any subject or group is off limits. That's a strawman that you dingdongs trot out any time somebody points out that being edgy doesn't mean you're being funny. They didn't book him because they didn't think their audience would find him funny. Unless I missed somewhere that the club has a "no jokes that include trans people" policy. I would bet that literally no comedy club in America has that policy, and you come off as kind of a weak loser hiding behind such an obviously stupid premise.


@16: George Carlin, yes, I was trying to remember him. Thank you. Policies? No, I was taking about the overuse of "safe space".


I'll be honest, the response from Gomez made me laugh out loud. Simply an amazing quote, and pretty self-aware too. I know nothing of his comedy or any of the others and this shouldn't be taken as any kind of endorsement on him as a person, just a layman's appreciation of a stranger's gift of gab and the reporter's choice to run the whole quote. Also an amazing level of perspective it seems Metzger, the main complainant, totally lacks. From the quote, it sounds like Gomez has experience on the other side of the comedy booking business and is more understanding of the dynamics at play, while the other dude is just hyping this faux-censoring for right-wing clout. Which is one way to sell tickets, I guess, but happily not in Seattle.

All that tells me, is that his material probably sucks, because the best way Metzger could think of to get attention is saying "the MAN wants you to ignore me!" rather than being actually entertaining on stage.


I feel like it's only Kurt that got mad about it and wanted to put the club on blast. This article really making light on the quotes here.


I have to laugh at all of it. At the "comedy" club for booking them and then canceling because they are "transgressive." At the Stranger because of lions and tigers and bears and right wingers, oh my! At Seattle, the city where humor goes to die. I lived there for 21 years, and have more laughs in a week in Eastern Washington than I did in a year back there. Oh yeah, and I'm gay, live in the countryside, and all the neighbors know. Anyway, poor sensitive kids, have fun, but I doubt the Capitol Hill Comedy Bar is the place to do it.


Agree with Brent. Conservatives are all about the bakery refusing to make a gay wedding cake, but then they get butt-hurt over a comedy club choosing not to host a comic based on their brand and message. They're such hypocrites.

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