Bad Apples Jun 21, 2024 at 8:55 am

SPD Fires a Racist Cop, Jan 6 Cop Taunts Man in Crisis, SPD Fires a Cop for DUI and Sexual Assault Accusation

Getting down to the bottom of the barrel here. Anthony Keo



Seems like if you get fired for cause you should lose eligibility for back pay


@1: No, why should any group of municipal employees be different than the others.


Braindropped, that is a really great point. All municipal employees should be treated the same versus giving one group all the money and toys and legal backing, lack of accountability etc. SPD should be treated the same as SCL or the Parks Department. I’ll remember your stance on this when you post your next bootlicker comment in the near future. 🙃


@2 do any other municipal employees who get fired for cause while out of contract get back pay when a new contract is ratified? If so I think that's wrong too. I don't believe cops should be treated any differently I just think anyone who proves themselves to be an unemployable piece of shit should no longer be entitled to privileges of the position they've shown themselves to be unfit to hold.


That last one was active for 14 months then on paid leave for 22 months Damn, I wish I had a job where I got 1.5 days of paid leave for each day worked (plus vacation days).


in what career, any career, can you fuck up that bad and still receive over a year of paid admin leave. I mean, i guess Dave Calhoun got a record salary despite allowing Boeing to become an airborne parts disposal company.


I have yet to see it pointed out that Washington State requires "two party" (all party actually) consent for audio recording.

That may be overlooked for Hill's firing (administrative, not a legal proceeding). But should this be taken to court, the recording probably can't be introduced as evidence. Hence the back pay. "Here's some money. Now go away quietly."

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