The Stranger's Reader Valentines

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Giddyup Lover

Thanks for being my love, partner, and amazing mother to our kid. I love you!

To my beautiful Dee

Nothing makes me smile like seeing you and our kid laughing together Let's make another one! <3

To my chicken monkey

You are my chicken monkey

AMS 143

I love you like a fat kid loves cake <3

Cured Meats At Mine?

Want to eat crispy chicken, watch archeology shows, and wear socks? Daily hullabaloo, rumpus, din, and soup. Just past the tickling tree. KaBlooooom.

For: My Fave Foamer

Cheers to a billion more train songs, chicken dinners, hot tubs, and Fast and Furious movies. I love you so much! xo, Your Darlin'


Without you, Norman wouldn't exist, and a world without either of you is not one I'd want to be in. We made one hell of a kid together. I love you XX


I hope you get all the chicken wings you want, today. Can't wait to dance all over Seattle with you my silly goose.

French Fry

Chicken nugget, apple sauce. I love you a million trillion cheeses.

TJ is the #1 Cutest

My bonfire of the cornmaze, my endcap, my doorbuster, my snow drive in reverse, my perfect fried chicken, my least direct cross country route: ILY.

hey, hey, cool kid

If you think I deserve the world, you are deeply mistaken. You are a part of the world, and I don't deserve you.

The Molek of <3

So glad I found you at the back of a paddy wagon. I love making cat-tail mustaches & watching SNL reruns & raising the best kid with you. Mic check!

Mume wangu

Happy fried chicken day to my favorite husband! You frustrate my life, I love you!


I’m so glad you decided to share the whole chicken with me. You’re a WAY better choice than Duckie could ever hope to be. <3 Hamburger