Look, bitch, I just sat down to eat a sandwich in a public park. It's not like I called your dog over. Your dog just didn't want to play with you and wanted to stare at my sandwich, instead. Now, as it turns out, I pretty much like dogs, but I don't like begging while I'm trying to eat. So although I was not actively hostile to your dog, I didn't feed your goddamned dog. When I went to throw away the wrapper, your dog was all over the crumbs like he hadn't eaten in a week. And you bitched me out about how I shouldn't feed other peoples dogs, it could give them diarrhea. Nice. Look lady, I was in a public park, which has no off-leash area, to eat my goddamned sandwich and now you're all up in my face about giving your dog diarrhea. This is really not a conversation that I volunteered for. I don't like you. Your dog doesn't seem to like you, either. I bet your dog still wouldn't play with you after I left. I bet your dog wouldn't play with you if you tied a goddamned pork chop around your neck.